
If you’ve ever broken an arm or had surgery on your hip, you’re probably familiar with the long, hard process of recovering that body part’s full range of motion. In fact, you probably worked together with a physical therapist to achieve your recovery goals.

At Marshalls Creek Wellness Solutions in East Stroudsburg, we provide physiotherapy services, which, admittedly, sound a lot like physical therapy. Things get even more confusing when you realize that physiotherapists and physical therapists treat patients with a very similar set of conditions.

To help clear things up and demonstrate how physiotherapy services can help you regain full health, we’ve written up this blog post detailing the key differences between physiotherapy and physical therapy.

Physiotherapy Providers Have More Training

According to the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPMR), “physiatrists are physicians who have completed medical school plus four years of residency training.”

Physiotherapy Providers Prescribe Therapies

Because of the extra training and experience physiotherapists gain before beginning their formal careers, they’re in a position to do much more than just walk you through exercises. According to the AAPMR physiotherapy professionals can also “make and manage medical diagnoses and prescribe the therapies that physical therapists will subsequently perform.”

Physical Therapists Carry Out Therapies Recommended By Physiotherapists

Once a physiotherapist has determined what combination of treatments will be best for restoring your well-being after injury, pain, or disability, the recommended course of action will be carried out with the help of a physical therapist.

If you’re interested in the extra knowledge and experience offered through physiotherapy treatment, contact Marshalls Creek Wellness Solutions today!